What is SHA in GIT

Written on 2023-03-15 by Adam Drake - 3 min read

Image of What is SHA in GIT

Git is a distributed version control system used to track changes in source code during software development. It allows developers to easily collaborate on the same codebase with multiple edits and versions, while also allowing them to review, merge, and revert changes to their code. It stores the history of changes, enabling developers to quickly refer back to a specific version in the history of the project.

As developers, we rely heavily on version control systems to keep track of changes made to our code. One such system is Git, a distributed version control system that allows developers to keep track of their projects and collaborate with colleagues.

The hash generated from a commit is unique and cannot be generated for other data, meaning that it’s impossible to have the same hash for two different commits.

At the heart of Git is a cryptographic hashing algorithm known as Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA). SHA plays a crucial role in the version control process by identifying each version of a file or project and allowing Git to track it accurately.

SHA, or Secure Hash Algorithm, is an algorithm used in git to uniquely identify commits. SHA produces a fixed-length hash (digest) from a variable-length input.

SHA, or Secure Hash Algorithm, is an algorithm used in git to uniquely identify commits. SHA produces a fixed-length hash (digest) from a variable-length input.

The hash generated from a commit is unique and cannot be generated for other data, meaning that it’s impossible to have the same hash for two different commits.

This makes it perfect for identifying different versions of source code. When a repository is cloned, SHA values are used to make sure all of the files have the same version as the originals, and to verify that the files have not been altered or corrupted.


SHA is an important tool for keeping our code secure and accurate. Without it, it would be impossible to track our projects and collaborate with our colleagues. It's a vital part of the version control process and one that all developers should understand.


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Written by Adam Drake

Adam Drake is a Frontend React Developer who is very passionate about the quality of the web. He lives with his wife and three children in Prague in the Czech Republic.

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